Follow several Michiana women who are ready to improve their health with the Go Red BetterU Heart Healthy Makeover Challenge. They will address their unique health obstacles as they take the 12-week challenge. By using BetterU, a free online tool that provides resources and tools, and receiving support from a team of experts, the women will be on their way to leading longer, healthier lives. Why not join BetterU today so you, too, can become a BetterU!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Running Shoes

Hoping to get running shoes from mom for my birthday! I really need a pair. The shoes I'm wearing just don't cut it. So I'm hoping for the best!!! LOL!

17 days until my 5k!
19 days until my birthday!


1 comment:

Meredith said...

Hey Stephanie, I highly recommend going into Metro Run and Walk on GRape Road. If you are getting into running especially. There is nothing more important when you are pounding the pavement than being in the right shoes. I've run too many races in the wrong ones and ended up in PAIN! So tell them I sent you cause I used to work there, and they'll fit you in the right ones.