Follow several Michiana women who are ready to improve their health with the Go Red BetterU Heart Healthy Makeover Challenge. They will address their unique health obstacles as they take the 12-week challenge. By using BetterU, a free online tool that provides resources and tools, and receiving support from a team of experts, the women will be on their way to leading longer, healthier lives. Why not join BetterU today so you, too, can become a BetterU!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Feb 10

Mid-End Week Blues

I was so, so pumped to start week 2.  Boy did that feeling take a rapid plunge mid-week.  I’m blaming it on work stress.  Lots of stuff going on which kept me from spending the time I needed with my family.  Made me a bit depressed.  And as an emotional eater, well you can guess my coping mechanism.
HOWEVER, I feel good that I did not turn to the fridge and camp out!  Instead, I forced myself to the gym and did a 55 min work-out last evening.  I made myself work.  I ran/walked and did the elliptical.  The treadmill was my enemy last night.  After running a 5K a few years ago, I thought I had enough in me to at least do a half mile.  HA!  Ya, right.  I lost that battle.  But I did keep my composure and completed a walk 2 min, run 1 min, etc pattern for the 32 minutes I was on the darn thing.  After that run/walk, I hopped on the elliptical until the gym closed.  (This was my 3rd work-out so far this week)
Now don’t get me wrong, I did eat food that I am not proud to admit (a couple handfuls of Cheetos).  But I am giving myself a pat on the back for stopping myself and not devouring the entire bag.  While I was patting myself on the back, my body was still ticked about the Cheetos – I had such a bad stomach ache.  Guess that was my punishment.  :)   No more Cheetos for me.
My meal planning hasn’t been on target this week either.  This is one thing I cannot slack on and is the same for all of you wanting to lose weight as well.  The least to do is have an idea of what you can have that is available.
Even though I haven’t been fully prepared, I do have items on hand.  Since I am one who grabs and goes,  cheese sticks, yogurt, nutri-grain bars, boiled eggs, and low-fat ham or turkey have been readily available in my house.  For all of these foods, I know roughly how many calories they are and where I can find protein.
My new favorite is low-fat vanilla greek yogurt with frozen blueberries and bananas.  I pack it in the morning for my lunch.  By that time of day, the blueberries are thawed and it is delicious.  That is my “dessert”.
I am going to try quinoa this weekend.  I heard many people like the taste thus, I am giving it a shot.  The scary part is, is that I am the farthest thing away from being a chef.  I’m hoping I can pull this off!
Plus as a chocoholic, I am proud to say I have gone 2 weeks with any chocolate.  This is a major triumph for me.  I am happy to announce I don’t even crave it.  What I desire instead now is my yogurt and fruit medley.  So odd how I thought I needed chocolate daily.  I admit, I am afraid to even taste it at this point.  I am scared I will go back to my old ways if I sample a bite.  I am going to stay strong and not even be tempted by it.  After all, to me, it is not worth it.
I am hoping to finish out the week strong and more importantly in a positive mood.  After all, what will be will be, right?!!?!?!?!?
Have a good night everyone and talk to you soon!

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