Follow several Michiana women who are ready to improve their health with the Go Red BetterU Heart Healthy Makeover Challenge. They will address their unique health obstacles as they take the 12-week challenge. By using BetterU, a free online tool that provides resources and tools, and receiving support from a team of experts, the women will be on their way to leading longer, healthier lives. Why not join BetterU today so you, too, can become a BetterU!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Just Plain Overwhelmed

Hey All,
A quick apology for my attitude on the call.  I want to speak honestly as I am in this for the long haul.  I am very, very overwhelmed with this program and lifestyle changes that have to take place.  When I get onto the conference calls for support, it is lacking.  Instead I feel attacked for not journaling and counting my calories. 
I know everyone has their own wealth of knowledge, but for me to trust in someone telling me to journal is a joke.  Is anyone listening to my statements --As I have said the past 2 weeks, I am a failure at journaling.   That is why I have failed weight watchers twice before.  Why would I want to be a failure again and follow the advice?  I  DON'T.  Hence, my arguments about staying away from that aspect.  I am willing to try Cindy's method (the check-off list), but I also want Cindy to realize that some people may not be cut out to journal - and they should not be made to feel bad for not doing so.
I hope our future conference calls can provide more support.  I know time is limited, but feel all of us could benefit from some encouragement.  I feel too much time is wasted trying to figure out where everyone is on the web site -- maybe as the leader, the participants should be told "This is week 4, catch up if you are not there." and leave it at that. 
Lets start praising one another for our "little" accomplishment (ie choosing broccoli over french fries or having the willpower to stay away from chocolate and even going the extra loop on the nursing floor) instead of critiquing methods.  As participants, we are all adults and can reach out to any of our leaders for specific concerns/questions.  Just my thoughts.
Please don't get me wrong.  I am very thankful to have this program and be a part of it.  My comments are out there to only make this program better.
So until next week,

1 comment:

IamOK said...

Thanks, Janet. Keep at it you're doing great! You know you best so believe in what you're figuring out! Jenny