Follow several Michiana women who are ready to improve their health with the Go Red BetterU Heart Healthy Makeover Challenge. They will address their unique health obstacles as they take the 12-week challenge. By using BetterU, a free online tool that provides resources and tools, and receiving support from a team of experts, the women will be on their way to leading longer, healthier lives. Why not join BetterU today so you, too, can become a BetterU!

Friday, April 26, 2013

What We Learned - 7 Keys to a BetterU

The American Heart Association Go Red for Women 2013 Michiana BetterU Challenge is coming to a close. Over the last 12 weeks, 12 women from Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center have been weighted and measured, attended weekly coaching sessions, exercised on a regular basis, developed a personal mission statement, visited Martin's Supermarkets for a lesson in food label reading and a cooking class.

The BetterU Challengers have learned how lifestyle choices such as smoking, being overweight, choosing to eat unhealthy foods and inactivity increase their risks of heart disease, heart attack and stroke along with other chronic illnesses.

7 Keys to a BetterU

1. You need a plan - A program, system, or guide to point you in the right direction and give you the steps towards making lasting healthy lifestyle changes such as the Go Red for Women 12 Week BetterU Program.

2. Education is key - As they say, knowledge is power. Accurate information (not hype) from a reliable source like the American Heart Association gives you the tools to build a healthy life.

3. Follow the pattern for success - There are no secrets. The foundation to a healthy life includes eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats. A healthy life is built on adding activity to include exercising 30 minutes most days of the week and sealed with managing stress. This advice has not changed in over 10 years.

4. Find strategies that work - Overcoming the old habits is not easy. Trying new strategies until you find a strategy to break old habits takes a new way of thinking about old habits. It's a trial and error process to find the ones that work. 

5. Commit and persist - Staying committed over the "long haul" takes time, energy and focus. Life is a "one day at a time" program, with a new start each morning. Persistence is a daily choice and comes with great rewards.

6. Get a buddy - A buddy, a coach, a cheerleader or a support group to hold you accountable, help you remember what your plan was, and encourage you to stick to it.

7. It takes a community - Telling others your healthy life plan, sharing what you learn along the way with those you care about not only helps you; it helps those around you too live a healthy life too. Participating in community health events like the Heart Walk inspires others to  begin or continue their path to a healthier life with you.

The BetterU Challengers shared their challenges, obstacles and stories of success on their road to better health.  Together we learned the road to better health is one step at a time, sometimes confusing, but with a plan, good strategies and a buddy it's was easier than we thought.

Your partner in health,

Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA
Health Coach

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