Follow several Michiana women who are ready to improve their health with the Go Red BetterU Heart Healthy Makeover Challenge. They will address their unique health obstacles as they take the 12-week challenge. By using BetterU, a free online tool that provides resources and tools, and receiving support from a team of experts, the women will be on their way to leading longer, healthier lives. Why not join BetterU today so you, too, can become a BetterU!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Challenge? Almost over. Results? Continuing to show.

So today I was able to wear, comfortably I may add, a smaller size jean. I have gained weight, but lost body fat during this program. I was devistated when I first saw the numbers on the scale going up, but as of today I've never been more excited. I'm in a size pants that I NEVER fit in before. My husband's lucky if I don't sleep in them tonight! =D



Erica M. Chapman said...

All your hard work has paid off.
Great job Stephanie.
I know I keep putting away the bigger sizes and replacing them with the smaller sizes. It truly is a wonder feeling.
Enjoy it,you deserve it.
Kudos, Rosey

Montoya11 said...

Thanks Rosey! I won't lie, Dr. Oz once said, you don't keep your big clothes, that just means you plan on getting big again. I was going to have a "fat clothes" burning party, but I decided to give them to my mother who is currently losing weight, and irronically my big clothes are now her transition clothes. =)

Thanks again Rosey!
