Follow several Michiana women who are ready to improve their health with the Go Red BetterU Heart Healthy Makeover Challenge. They will address their unique health obstacles as they take the 12-week challenge. By using BetterU, a free online tool that provides resources and tools, and receiving support from a team of experts, the women will be on their way to leading longer, healthier lives. Why not join BetterU today so you, too, can become a BetterU!

Monday, February 13, 2012


OK, so I had a girls-night-out in Fort Wayne on Saturday...then my husband's birthday was on Sunday, and well, honestly, every Friday night is a gimme at our house.  With that preface let's dive in...  So, the mantra for Saturday night was "What happens in Fort Wayne, stays in Fort Wayne" but apparently my scale didn't get the memo.  Four of those lost pounds (yes, four) I found 'em!  I got on the scale this morning being fully aware that it was going to be a stunning blow.  In the past I would've ignored news is good news- Ignorance is bliss-and all that.  But today, I knew that the fastest way to get me back on track and motivated to be there was through truth and reality.  (Not my best friends but we are becoming amicable.)  So with a therapeutic confession to my husband (poor guy also gained four pounds this weekend...hey wait, maybe it's the scale's fault) we dove back into the habits we've diligently developed over the past 43 days that we've been working thru the 17 Day Diet cycles.   And, FYI, I felt like doody on Sunday...(not entirely from "Fort Wayne," I was relatively well behaved) but from the junk I'd been eating, and the drastic decrease in my H2O intake.  Negative reinforcement, so good for me.  A nutritional hand-slap...       "Please, sir, may I have another?    I'm back baby!  Jenny

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